Environmental justice and global responsibility
The access to a healthy environment and to natural resouces is rather unevenly distributes between countries and among the inhabitans of countries. Therefore, envorinmental conflicts rise over resource extraction, the locations of procuction sites or waste disposal in the same way as the world economy uses more materials and energy.
Civil society organizations (CSOs) active in Environmental Justice issues focus on the link between the need for environmental security and the defence of basic human rights. Their main goal is to empower the communities they support to defend or reclaim their rights.
Specific contribution by SERI
SERI supports the work through various activities. Quite persice it was involved in the EJOLT project, which broght together a consortium of 23 academic and civil society organizations across a range of fields to promote collaboration and mutual learning among stakeholders who research or use Sustainability Sciences, particularly on aspects of Ecological Distribution. Generally SERI work towards strong sustainable consumption, degrowth and sufficiency aims to reduce environmental burden especially from those suffering most under in-just conditions.