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Fields of Activity
Biodiversity and Ecosystem services |
Science-Policy interface |
Environmental justice |

Philipp P. Thapa is the coordinator of GETIDOS, a platform for social-ecological research supported by the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM), Berlin, a fellow with the Sustainable Europe Research Institute, and a PhD candidate at Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University, Nijmegen. He has taught environmental philosophy and utopianism at universities including Greifswald, Freiburg, and LMU Munich. His current research focuses on the function of the moral imagination in environmental ethics and its methodical use for transformative sustainable development.

More information on | ORCID | ResearchGate

Personal Information

Surname / First name THAPA, Phillipp P.
Organisation SERI Germany e.V. / GETIDOS
Adress Greifswald / Darmstadt, Germany
Mobile +49 157 582 529 71
E-mail philipp.thapa@seri.de
Nationality German

Recently published:

Ziegler, R., Balzac-Arroyo, J., Hölsgens, R., Holzgreve, S., Lyon, F., Spangenberg, J.H., Thapa, P.P., 2022. Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges. Ecological Economics 193, 107336. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107336

Thapa, P., Gebauer, J. (Eds.), 2021. Utopisieren: Zukunftsfähige Ökonomien denken und verwirklichen (special issue). Ökologisches Wirtschaften 36, 14–29. Open access

Thapa, P.P., 2020. Moralische, religiöse und utopische Muster in der Umweltbewegung und ihre[n] Marktnischen, in: Fischer, H., Hock, K., Klie, T. (Eds.), Öko-Spiritualität: Ganzheitliche Lebensweisen auf den »Märkten des Besonderen«. Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 79–94.